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Fane model

4200-4000 years B.C.Pottery: plastics, engobe, ornamentation. Height 29x29,5x30 cm, length 45cm, width 27cm. Inv.No PCP 65

Ceramic model. Conditionally depicts orthogonal in he plan building, verisimilar a fane. The building is allocated on the not high platform, which hang upon six feet. The roof has frontons on the faces which are crowned with a horizontal images of moon, suggesting the bull horns. The surface of the model was painted in red earlier and the cut lines of ornament were filled with white dope. The entrance is decorated with high arch, arrayed cut images of five symbolic harriers. Each of them consists of two bows. These images are allocated symmetrically: two on the left and two on the right from entrance and one is on the top. Besides in the interspaces between harriers four clay sculpts are allocated. Walls of the fane are built on equal platforms. Each of them contains clay sculpts by way of three figural columns. In its turn every column has its conic top, underlined with little pit. The interspaces between the columns are filled with double designed images of snakes, made by cut lines. Face wall has a cut rounded window, arrayed with a circle with deltoid ornamental compositions.